PhD program Cycle 40°: vision and general information
PhD program Cycle 40°: vision and general information
PhD in Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnology
Course overview
This doctoral program is specifically designed to train researchers who wish to develop their careers in basic and translational research in biomedicine. This aim is pursued through intense training in experimental research in the laboratory, of an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature, in topics relevant to biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, microbiology, molecular diagnostics, innovative therapies, human disease models and computational biology. Understanding human diseases at a molecular level is the main objective of the training and experimental work that will be undertaken by doctoral students also considering the valorisation of intellectual property and industrial implications of the research. In this context, the doctoral program is consistent with the Strategic plan of Federico II university.
Open day
To guarantee the widest and most informed participation in the selection, the Doctoral Course each year organizes an orientation day dedicated to undergraduates in biomedical disciplines. This Open day was held on 29 June 2023 (for cycle 39) (LINK) and on 10 May 2024 (for cycle 40) (LINK).
Survey of doctoral student opinions
To optimize the path, starting from 2023, the Doctoral Course, with the help of the University Office, will collect the opinions of the doctoral students with a specific questionnaire suggested by ANVUR. Herewith attached are the documents analyzing 2023 and 2024 surveys (LINK)
The planning of the Doctoral Course and its self-evaluation are carried out in accordance with the Ministerial Decree. 1154/2021 All.C – Area D (Quality of Teaching and Student Services) in reference to the AVA 3 system (Self-assessment, Evaluation, Accreditation) and to the Ministerial Decree. 226/2021 (methods of accreditation of doctoral offices and courses). The results of this work for 2023 and 2024 are herewith reported:
AVA3_DMMBM- Documento di analisi dei questionari
AVA3_DMMBM- Documento di autovalutazione
year 2024:
AVA3 Scheda di autovalutazione PHD 2024to made available soon
Services/Facilities for doctoral students
As far as the services and facilities available to doctoral students, the Department offers numerous state-of-the-art equipped laboratories for cell cultures, molecular biology and biochemistry. Furthermore, it has set up three main core facilities for next-generation nucleic acid sequencing, imaging and flow cytometry. The NGS platform is equipped with an automatic nucleic acid extractor, Nanophotometer and Qubit 4 for their quantitation, TapeStation for quality analysis, and the NextSeq550 sequencer. The platform also has a microfluidics system to perform single cell RNAseq. The cell imaging platform is equipped with several state-of-the-art fluorescence microscopy systems that ensure high-resolution and high-contrast analysis of biological samples (cells, tissues and model organisms) fixed or in live microscopy, such as a scanning confocal microscope laser equipped with 4 laser lines (for excitations from ultraviolet to far red), with high performance objectives (from 10x to 100x), and 2 high sensitivity detectors; the ApoTome.2 system based on structured lighting technology; the Thunder system based on opto-digital technology. The flow cytometry platform includes a new generation continuous flow cytometer that allows multiparametric analysis equipped with 3 Blue, Red and Violet lasers, capable of detecting up to 14 parameters simultaneously and a benchtop flow cytometer equipped with three lasers (488 nm, 640 nm and 405 nm) and 10 optical channels and software for automated cell analysis. The Teaching Board is made up of professors from the "Federico II" University belonging to the Department of Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnology, appointed on the basis of their scientific curriculum, which is available on the individual teachers' pages in WebDocenti (
Doctoral student selection
Candidates are young graduates with excellent training who aspire to develop an independent career in biomedical research. Selection for admission to the program includes CV evaluation, a written test and an oral interview to evaluate basic knowledge, aptitude for biomedical research and motivation. Knowledge of the English language is also assessed. Once selected, the students are assigned by the Teaching Body to a supervisor, who is a member of the Department staff.
Three years fellowships are made available each year according to the posted Application call.
Dott.sse Nausicaa Zendrini/Francesca Paola Liberti (
40° -
Board committee:
- Board of teachers:
Membri del collegio dei Docenti
- PhD students representatives:
- Advisor bodies:
Steering Committee
• Roberto Vona (Presidente Comitato Spin-off Federico II)
• Amleto D'Agostino (Direttore Campania Bioscience)
• Mario De Felice (Biogem - Biologia e genetica molecolare)
• Lucio Pastore (CEINGE-Biotecnologie avanzate)
• Nicola Zambrano (Coordinatore Corso di Laurea Biotecnologie per la Salute)
• Gerolama Condorelli (Coordinatore Corso di Laurea Biotecnologie Mediche)
• Gerardo Pio Nardone (Coordinatore Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia)
• Roberto Bellelli (ex Dottorando, prof. Queen Mary London-UK)
• Luca Lignitto (ex Dottorando, P.I Marseille Cancer Research Centre- France)
Quality Assurance Group:
• Nausicaa Zendrini (Ufficio didattica DMMBM)
• Massimo Santoro (Coordinatore del corso)
• Paola Salvatore (Direttore del Centro per la Qualità di Ateneo - CQA)
• Franca Esposito (Direttore DMMBM)
• Martina Di Rosario (Rappresentante dei dottorandi)
Organization of courses and educational activities:
- Courses and teaching activities:
The supervisor is responsible for training and research activities. Once a year, the student prepares a report on the activities carried out and holds a seminar for colleagues and supervisors on the results obtained, to allow the teaching staff to decide on admission to the following year. The student typically spends 6 months in a foreign laboratory. Students attend thematic courses taught by faculty members and well-known scientists from other institutions. Courses include formal lectures and seminars. Furthermore, they follow lessons held by speakers from Italian and foreign institutions. A special focus of the training is dedicated to developing specific skills, such as presenting results in data clubs, writing a manuscript and a research project, evaluating scientific work, and planning experiments. To obtain the doctoral degree, students submit a dissertation in English and present their results live in English to an external committee.
Admission test: - Admission test:
CV+ Written text + Oral text
Admissions exam topics: The admission test (oral and written, when planned) will focus on general topics concerning basic biochemical, biological, and genetic mechanisms and the pathological basis of diseases
Suggested readings for the Admission exam
Molecular Biology of the Cell
Bruce Alberts, Rebecca Heald, Alexander D. Johnson, David Morgan, Martin Raff
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry
David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox
Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC.Robbins e Cotran-Le basi patologiche delle malattie. Edra
Robbins & Cotran - Pathologic Basis of Disease
Vinay Kumar, Abul Abbas, Jon Aster
Available positions: - Number of fellowships:
Course length: 3 years -
Requirements: - Admission requirements:
Notes: - Research lines:
Contacts: - Contacts:
Dott.sse Nausicaa Zendrini/Francesca Paola Liberti (
Test calendar: See PhD call
- Results:
2) Written text
3) Oral interview:
Final assessment