Locations and Structures


The Department of Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnology has many research laboratories located in the Campus of the Federico II Medical School, Via S. Pansini, 5:

- ed. 4 (ground floor, 2nd , 3rd, 4th)

- ed. 6 (ground floor)

- ed. 9 (ground floor, 2nd)

- ed. 18 ( 2nd floor)

- ed. 19 "Torre Biologica" (floor 3th, 6th, 12th, 13th, 14th),

- ed. 19/A (floor 2nd , 3rd)
These laboratories are equipped to carry out research in the following fields:

structure and function of biological molecules and their role in the pathogenesis of human diseases

development of innovative biotechnological approaches for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases

Seminar Rooms

The Department has two seminar rooms located inside building 19, first and fourth floor.
These rooms are used for holding conferences, discussions of PhD theses and weekly seminars, given by teachers and/or researchers of the Department, and by national and international guests.

Animal Care Unit

Authorized by Ministerial Decree 42/2004-A; expanded authorization by Ministerial Decree n ° 165/2006-A of 17/11/2006.
Authorized for housing amphibians by Ministerial Decree No. 08/ 2010 - on 12/01/10.
Breeding Authorization No. 29/48/C/04 issued by the City of Naples - ASL Napoli 1 Department of Veterinary Prevention Unit District 48, with extension to the first floor Municipal Prot. No. 15 of the 06/08/08.
Coordinator of the Animal Care Unit: Prof. Francesca Carlomagno

Technical Manager and Co-Head of Research Projects: Dr. Paola Ferraro

Veterinary Care: Center for Veterinary Services University of Naples Federico II - Dr. Antonio Baiano
The Animal Care Unit is located within the Federico II Medical School and is spread over two floors. The ground floor and the first floor cover an area of ​​about 839 square meters.
The rooms have been designed to provide a suitable environment to the animal species, complying with the conditions set out by current law, and is licensed for the maintenance of the following species: mice, rats and amphibians. Clean areas are maintained in positive pressure compared to the corridor and to the external environment, with the possibility of creating a pressure gradient for the different rooms. The animal holding rooms, laboratories and rooms for experiments, service rooms, rooms where animals are kept and their control (ventilation, temperature, humidity, lighting, noise, alarm system) and all guidelines for the protection of animals (health, quarantine, isolation, caging, feeding, water, etc..) comply with the directions given in Annex II of Legislative Decree 116/92: "Guidelines for accommodation and animal care' (Article 5).