PhD Program in Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnology - Cycle 38 (expired)

  • Description


    The PhD program is specifically designed to create professional scientists wishing to develop their career in basic and translational research in biomedicine. This is achieved by extensive laboratory training in biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, microbiology, molecular diagnostics, targeted therapy, modelling human diseases and computational biology. In this frame, the program is interdisciplinary. Understanding human diseases at the molecular level is the main focus of the training and experimental work that will be undertaken by the students.


    The Faculty is composed of 24 professors of the University Federico II, from the Department of Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnology, appointed on the bases of their scientific and curricular track record.




    The supervisor will be responsible for training and research activities. Once a year, the student is expected to give a seminar to peers and supervisors on the results obtained, to allow faculty to decide on admission to the following year. The student can spend up to 18 months in a foreign laboratory.


    Training and Monitoring

    Students will attend residential courses on the thematic areas of the program organized by members of the faculty and renowned external scientists. The courses include formal lectures and seminars. A special focus of the training is dedicated to the development of skills, such as the ability of presenting results in journal clubs, writing a manuscript and a research proposal, reviewing a research paper, experimental planning, and problem solving. To achieve the Doctorate title, students will submit a Dissertation in English and publicly present their data (PhD viva) to an external Committee.


    A number of 3 years fellowships is available as published in the Application call each year.

    Student selection

    Candidates are young graduates with an excellent education track willing to develop an independent career in biomedical research.
    Admission to the program is a three-tier process including:
    CV evaluation, a written essay on the specific areas indicated above and an oral interview to assess basic knowledge, predisposition to biomedical research and motivation.
    English fluency is also assessed. Once selected, students are assigned by the faculty to a specific supervisor, staff member of the Department, to develop one of the research projects available in the specific year.



    A number of three-year grants are available as published in the notice of competition each year


    Dott.ssa Michela Croce,

    Dott.ssa Claudia Gentile,


  • Cycle:

  • Board committee:

    Membri del collegio dei Docenti

    AMENTE Stefano

    BALDINI Antonio

    BIFULCO Maurizio

    CARLOMAGNO Francesca

    CASTALDO Giuseppe

    CHIARIOTTI Lorenzo

    CONDORELLI Gerolama

    DE LORENZO Claudia

    ESPOSITO Franca

    FELICIELLO Antonio

    FORTUNATO Giuliana

    FUSCO Alfredo

    IOLASCON Achille

    LEONARDI Antonio

    MATARESE Giuseppe

    MELILLO Rosa Marina

    NICOSIA Alfredo

    PALADINO Simona

    PARISI Silvia

    PASTORE Lucio

    RENNA Maurizio

    RUOPPOLO Margherita


    SANTORO Massimo

    ZAMBRANO Nicola

  • Admission test:

    Reserved positions: CV qualification + Oral examination

    All the others: CV qualification + Written test + Oral examination

  • Admissions exam topics:
    The admission test (oral and written, when planned) will focus on general topics concerning basic
    biochemical, biological, and genetic mechanisms and the pathological basis of diseases
    Suggested readings for the Admission exam
    Molecular Biology of the Cell
    Bruce Alberts, Rebecca Heald, Alexander D. Johnson, David Morgan, Martin Raff
    Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry
    David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox
    Robbins & Cotran - Pathologic Basis of Disease
    Vinay Kumar, Abul Abbas, Jon Aster
  • Available positions:

    See PhD call


  • Course length: 3 years
  • Requirements:

    See PhD call

  • Notes:

    Research lines (not available yet)

    Training activities


  • Contacts:

    Dott.ssa Michela Croce,

    Dott.ssa Claudia Gentile,

  • Candidatures deadline: 19th July 2022 3:00 PM CEST
  • Test calendar:

    Assessment of the CV qualification

    Results of the qualification assessment of candidates to not reserved positions

    Results of the qualification assessment of candidates to reserved positions

    Written Exam

    Results of the written exam for not reserved positions

    Oral Examination

    Results of the oral exam for not reserved positions

    Results of the oral exam for reserved positions



    Final Results
